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What are you embracing in 2020?

The idea of a Tarot Card of the Year is rooted in idea that we should always be seeking to improve ourselves and our world.  Many make New Year’s Resolutions for the same reason.

Many tarot readers will work with their card throughout the year and attempt to embrace the energy of that archetype or observe where it relates to a need for change in their lives.  So how does one find their card of the year?

There are 4 methods tarot readers tend to use in determining their card of the year.

  • Calculation based on your birthday in the current year.  For example, if your birthday is 10/22/2020. 1+0+2+2+2+0+2+0=9.  Your card is The Hermit.  This method usually adds until you have a number below 22, so if you add your birthday and get 32, you would add 3+2=5, The Hierophant.  This method means your card of the year will always be a Major Arcana card. Zero and 22 are The Fool.
  • Some readers look through their cards and chose one based on a feeling or other connection they have and work with it throughout the year.  This method means you could be working with any of the 78 cards.
  • Readers may also choose a card intentionally that represents something they want to work on during the year. The difference in this method and the previous is that the intention comes before the card.
  • Finally, there are a number of annual tarot spreads in the Tarotverse which some readers use. Many include a card for overall theme of the year.  I use this Astrological Spread from Emerald Lotus.  Card 13 then becomes my card of the year.  I like this method as it means I could end up working with any of the 78 Cards that the universe reveals to me.

This year my card is the Three of Cups.  The Three of Cups is a card of friendship and celebration.  It may also be seen as a card about ritual with others.  These are all ideas I am embracing this year.  How am I doing that, you ask?

I am making a conscious effort to get off my couch and go be where people are more often.  Just last Friday night, I went out with a friend to a comedy and drag show.  I could not tell you the last time I went out on a Friday night.  It was a great evening.  The show had a Golden Girls theme and in the middle of the show there was a costume contest for the audience.  My friend went as Blanche and I went as Sophia.  We won…a cheesecake, which we shared with her other friends afterward.

My goal is to get out and spend time with others at least every other week.  Game night is next weekend along with Atlanta Oddities Market. I am looking forward to checking out the various occult items, jewelry, skulls, etc. with a friend I have not been out with in a while.

I am also doing something I have never done in attempt to make connections and develop my Tarot skills further this year.  I am attending Readers Studio and Divination Day 2020 in April.  This will be the first time I have flown in 20 years, as well as the first time I have gone to an event this size where I do not know anyone personally.  It should be a great opportunity to work on those people skills and to enter into a group ritual with others.

What are you embracing this year?  Whether it is New Year’s Resolution or a card of the year, I hope you are finding a way to bring change into your life in 2020.