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This week as I pulled my cards for my week ahead, I looked down and saw the definition of most New Year Resolutions. We look forward to the days to come with hope (3of Wands) that we will advance, improve, or transform (The Devil) in the coming year. However, we inevitably come to a point days, weeks or even months later where we struggle (5 of Wands) and eventually “break” our resolutions.

Often at this point we abandon our resolutions and move on with life as it was on December 31. But let’s take another look at that 5 of Wands. We may struggle, but by working together and supporting one another, we can still succeed.

One misstep is not failure. You must give yourself credit for the hours, days and even weeks that you showed improvement. And then start again! Any day is a good day to start a new way of thinking, speaking or behaving. Sometimes you need the support and encouragement of others to succeed. So find that confidant or “partner in crime” to help you work through the times when you struggle.

Today I was running late for a doctor’s appointment and I realized as I was doing it that I was being short with the assistant checking me in and complaining about everything. I let my anxiety get to me. Usually, I let these things go and move on with my day. Today for the first time ever, I went back to the assistant who checked me in and said, “I am sorry I was grouchy this morning. I hope you have a good day.” She blew it off, but I felt relieved. I had made a change in the way I manage my anxiety and it has made me a better person. It took a long time to get to that moment, but that moment was a realization that I had finally improved on my past bad behavior.

It did not happen over night….it has taken 50 years. And your resolutions will take time too.

Remember that Victory (6 of Wands) comes after the struggle.

The deck used in this article is The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne. It is published by Hay House. For more information about the deck visit or